Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jogjakarta - Borobudur

Apres Jakarta, petite halte a Yogyakarta/Jogjakarta(les deux sont valides), histoire d'aller visiter le fameux Stuppa, Borobudur. Un enorme monument dresse en l'honneur de Buddha.
After Jakarta, we spent a few nights in Yogyakarta/Jogjakarta (2 of a few different spellings), which is a nice city to see Javanese culture. The city is also close to a famous stuppa, Borobudur, which is an enormous monument in honor of Buddha.

La piscine de notre hotel.
Our hotel was very relaxing, and everyday at about 5pm they would bring tea and a delicious snack.

Le palais du Sultan


Il y a 504 statues de buddha au total.

Bas relief

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