First night in Bangkok! cheap eats...
Our blurry friend is Emma, who was one of our house mates in Sydney. She took some well needed vacation time and joined us on our Thailand trip.
Sometimes in south east asia you take long bus rides to get places. Without fail, the buses are always pimped out.
Voila un bus Thailandais qui ne sort pas de la norme! Karaoke fait en general partie des options!
Thailand is renown for its street food. This guy cooked us up some authentic pad thai for $1.
Bangkok is one of the best places to shop. Everything is already cheap, but don't forget to bargain down the price!
We decided to take a tuk tuk in Bangkok to get to our destination, but were stopped shortly thereafter by a cop, and our driver was given a ticket for picking up passengers without the proper registration or something...
Notre seule tentative de tuktuk, apres 2 min, notre chauffeur se fait arreter par un flic... On a continuer a pied jusqu'au canal, ou l'on a pris le bateau. Le plus rapide mode de transport, utiliser par les locaux.
This is at Patpong night market. The actual market is chockablock with watches, purses, belts, wallets, jewelry etc. Lining the sides of the market are night clubs like this one which feature "ping pong shows" (
There was a dodgy massage parlor near our hotel with this sign out front. You'll have to look at #1 on the main course...
Walking through Chinatown.
Le boudha dore.
Le marche de Chinatown.
The wh0le of south east asia is one big human safety hazard. These guys were cleaning the side of the building, but instead of using harnesses, they just sat on the power lines...
At the train station ready to head south!
Train Xing.
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